01502 564390 sales@bfpeastern.co.uk

The Hub of the East Coast Fishing Industry

BFP Eastern Ltd located in Lowestoft Suffolk, prides itself as an honest down to earth company with extensive core values. On a daily basis we do our upmost to ensure the best possible price is achieved for all fishermen landing their catch through BFP Eastern.

Over the past 5 years BFP Eastern has worked closely with the expanding offshore wind sector offering 24/7 fuelling services to ensure offshore operations continue.

We are a hard working passionate team on a mission to ensure the security of the East Coast fishing industry and to offer our extensive knowledge and services to the growing East Coast offshore wind sector.

About Us

BFP Eastern Ltd is a family owned business priding itself on its honest and down to earth core values. We are passionate about the East Coast Fishing Industry and our dedicated staff work extremely hard to accommodate the needs of the East Coast Fishing and Offshore Renewable’s Industry.

Fish Auctioneers

BFP Eastern Ltd operates a weekday fish auction commencing at 7am sharp. We endeavor to obtain the best price possible for our fishermen. Martin Mitchell our lead auctioneer has 40+ experience and we welcome all fishermen, merchants and buyers to partake.

Weekly Fish Prices

Check our weekly fish Prices

Fuel & Subsidiaries

BFP Eastern Ltd offers a friendly reliable 24/7 fuel and subsidiaries service to all vessels. We have supported fishermen, survey vessels and offshore support boats for over 10 years offering the best prices on the East Coast.

Marine Consultancy

The staff of BFP Eastern Ltd have extensive maritime knowledge at your disposal. We have a range of services and personnel available including fishing liaison officers, offshore energy consultants and a large variety of offshore contract personnel from a variety of backgrounds.


BFP Eastern Ltd operates a 24/7 concierge service dedicated to keeping your business operating. These services include vessel maintenance, marine engineers, shipwrights and transportation.